Paula Julie Abdul is an American pop singer, record producer, dancer, choreographer, actress and television personality.
Paula Abdul is a former judge on American Idol, a multi-platinum Grammy-winning singer, an Emmy Award-winning choreographer, and jewelry designer.
These days it’s getting harder and harder to find anyone in the entertainment industry who hasn’t had a little nip or tuck.Several Plastic Surgeons have speculated that Paula Abdul has had Plastic Surgery.If true, then she had absolutely flawless work done. So good job to the surgeons if it is true.
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery
She has been rumored to have undegone rhinoplasty (nose job), breast augmentation, botox injections and possibly a brow lift to keep her looks from fading.
“Paula may have had some work done in the past. I see two major plastic surgery possibilities. First, her nose looks thinner and shorter, possibly due to a rhinoplasty. Second, her eyebrows appear to have that arched ‘Botox Brow’ look.”
“In the most recent photo of Paula Abdul, she does have low medial brows and peaked lateral brows which would make one suspect Botox Cosmetic use. However, the photo also looks airbrushed or photoshopped, so it is hard to tell what is real and what is not.”
“I agree Paula Abdul appears to have had a rhinoplasty,upper and lower lid blepharoplasty, and breast augmentation. Her jawline contour is very good for 46 years of age so it is possible she has had a short incision facelift. It is not entirely possible to be sure from photos in her case. She is pretty smooth between the eyebrows so I suspect a little Botox and she may have had subtle fillers.”
Paula Abdul Breast Implants
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery
Paula is likely using injections like Botox to keep her eyebrows at their peaks. She likely also uses fillers like Juvederm or Restylane in the lines to keep her face looking full of youth.
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery
Looking at old photos of Paula, at some time fairly early in her quest for fame, she underwent a rhinoplasty procedure to help her look like the star she was destined to become.
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery
Paula’s old nose was rather large and wide, while the nose viewers see on American Idol week after week is much more narrow and pinched. While it helps lessen the impact of having a strong nose on delicate features, it seems over done and obvious that a nose jb took place.
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery
Anyone can see from before and after photos that Paula is no stranger to plastic enhancement.
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery
The American Idol Judge / songwriter / singer / celebrity designer started out with great facial features. But what’s with the rhinoplasty? Take a good look at her curiously shrinking nose. We see hints of a brow lift and cheek implants as well.
Study the before and after pictures of this American Idol judge below and have your say:
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery
Paula Abdul Plastic Surgery
Has she undergone plastic surgery? Did Paula Abdul get More Plastic Surgery?